Ava DuVernay and Autumn Riley
Ava DuVernay born August 24 72, in Long Beach, California. DuVernay learned to love art through her aunt Denise. Her aunt was a nurse who did night shifts to ensure that she could devote her days to literature, theatre, and art. DuVernay immediately fell in love when she showed her an old 1959 West Side Story film. DuVernay discovered by watching her mother's examples of how art could serve as an instrument for activism. DuVernay grew up with her mother who was socially conscious and showed her how to make use of art as a method to express herself. DuVernay was raised in Compton by her parents, however she was able to spend the summers in Lowndes County Alabama. This is the place where her father's family has been for generations. DuVernay's father remembered watching the historic Civil Rights march over the Edmund Pettus Bridge, in neighboring Selma Alabama. The summers DuVernay spent there inspired her later to make a film about The Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his Civil Rights Movement. DuVernay graduated with a high school diploma in Saint Joseph High School, Lakewood California in 1990. She went to the University of California Los Angeles to obtain degrees in English in addition to African American Studies. DuVernay began producing television news as an elementary school student. She began her career working as an assistant at CBS News in the O.J. Simpson trial. DuVernay remembered being told to examine the garbage of the home of a juror. The duties she was required to accomplish left her unsatisfied and, following her decision not to continue in journalism, she shifted to the field of public relations. DuVernay got a job right after college as a publicist in the young age of a studio. She founded The DuVernay Agency, her public relations firm in 1999. The company launched a number of promotional and lifestyle networks, including Urban Beauty Collective and Urban Eye. Autumn Riley.............................Autumn Riley was born in Los Angeles United States. Autumn Riley was born under the name of. Autumn Riley is a famous American actress, best known as the actress in American Experience (1997) and A More Perfect Union (2009). Autumn has performed the role Rose of A More Perfect Union and Anna Payne of American Experience.

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